Austrian Mens Rights Party to run for office

The Austrian MÄNNERPARTEI (Mens Rights Party) was founded in Vienna in 2008. In the Austrian region of Vorarlberg, the local MÄNNERPARTEI branch has been active since 2011. Since then, the Vorarlberg Mens Rights Party managed to broaden its base of supporters, act as a reliable source of information for the public, has raised concise demands, authored a solid program and convinced the public of its honest and straightforward agenda. Today, the Vorarlberg Mens Rights Party has succeeded in overcoming the hurdle of necessary support signatures for running the national Austrian elections this coming September. The party board is grateful for the support it has received from the Vorarlberg public.

Vorarlberg party chair Hannes Hausbichler: "Our representatives have been working in their jobs in the private sector throughout the campaign, which is a unique setting among all the parties involved. The bulk of support has come without active marketing on our side, showing the level of appreciation for our work and how much the choice of a Mens Rights Party is in fact needed on the ballot."

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